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入驻 4年329天
关注人数 156人
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我公司专业生产高蛋白低脂肪膨化大豆拉丝蛋白以及大豆蛋白素肉深加工产品,所生产的大豆拉丝蛋白肉质纤维感强,可以根据客户的不同需求提供不同品质的大豆拉丝蛋白,添加在肉制品、豆制品、烘焙制品或者肉松中;利用大豆肉质纤维感加工成素食休闲零食,如素牛肉粒、素牛肉干、素肉脯等,也可以生产出一系列仿荤的素汉堡排、素肉松、素火腿肠、素培根、素肉燥等餐饮食材。 经过我们多年研发,攻克了多个技术难题,申请了8个发明专利,已经获批2个;5个实用新型专利全部获批。所生产的系列产品采用不含防腐剂、常温保存的锁鲜技术,便于保存和运输,打破了常规大豆植物蛋白产品都必须冷冻冷藏的保存方式,创造了新的市场机会。 近期,世界各地对于“人造肉”的研发和应用已经进入日常的餐桌上,时尚、低碳、环保、健康、营养的植物蛋白产品在未来一定会成为大众健康消费的热点。 Our company specializes in producing high-protein and low-fat puffed soy cable protein and deep processing products of soy protein protein meat. The soy cable protein produced by our company has a strong fiber texture and can completely replace the taste of meat products. It can provide different qualities of soybean cable protein according to customers 'different needs. Added to meat products, soybean products, baked products; Using soybean meat fiber to produce a series of imitation meat hamburger, vegetarian pine, vegetarian ham sausage, vegetarian bacon, vegetarian dried food and other food ingredients, vegetarian beef jerky, bacon and other casual snacks. After many years of research and development, we have overcome several technical difficulties and applied for eight invention patents and have already obtained two approvals. All five utility model patents were approved. The series of products produced by the use of preservative-free, room temperature preservation technology, easy to preserve and transport, breaking the conventional soybean plant protein products must be frozen and refrigerated preservation, creating new market opportunities. Recently, the development and application of artificial meat around the world has entered the daily dining table. Modern, low-carbon, environmentally friendly, healthy and nutritious plant protein products will surely become the hot spot for public health consumption in the future. Our "artificial meat" based on soy plant protein is in line with the great health consumption. We are willing to expand this huge blue sea market with domestic and foreign businessmen.