品牌名称—境道,让人联想到一种寄情于山水的意境之美;所以运用中国水墨风格来设计。挥毫一笔中蕴含仁者乐山 智者乐水的境界,一笔中流露出千差万别,千差万别又回归于一笔,这便是品牌-境道万物归一的最高境界。
Brand-Jing Dao,making people associate the beauty of sending love to mountains and rivers,so designed by Chinese ink style.Waving the writing brush at one stroke contains the taste that the wise man delights in water, the good man delights in mountains .A stroke shows tens of thousands of differences and tens of thousands of differences return to one stroke,this is the brand-JING Dao-the tallest taste that all things come to one.
A ***石笑伟